Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server / 1. About Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server is an analysis and reporting solution for Microsoft Exchange Server, which provides you with in-depth insight about your organization’s Exchange server and assists you to generate reports for audit and reporting requirements.
The software provides 142 different reports for Exchange Server’s Mailboxes, Public Folders, Usage, Security and Server configuration. By having a look at these reports an IT administrator can easily judge what is wrong and what needs to done.
Microsoft Exchange Server is by far the most popular communication, collaboration and email messaging application used today. It becomes a necessity to have an Exchange reporting tool that will equip an Exchange Administrator with precise, granular, comprehensive and actionable data on all aspects of the MS Exchange Server.
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server is an encapsulation of the 'investigation and surveillance'. It fetches, audits, tracks and analyzes every critical data in your Exchange Server & Active Directory network without a hitch. The software offers information about mail traffic statistics & analysis, mailbox sizes, OWA usage, message content analysis, public folders, usage, security, growth rates, server usage pattern, server configuration, mailbox permission changes and many more thus it also assists in resource optimization and spam fighting.
Automates the process of auditing and reporting for your MS Exchange server.
Web based solution that can be used from anywhere, even from Smartphones.
Restricted access to application through secured logins with two types of users (administrator and operator).
Does not require the knowledge of Exchange Management Shell.
Generates notifications as alerts, warnings and errors (categorization is based on severity and can be customized).
Option to predefine the recipients of the Alerts by specifying the email addresses.
Supports Multiple MS Exchange Servers on the same network.
Supports Exchange Database Availability Group (DAG) environment (multiple domains in single forest architecture).
Reporting and Auditing -
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server provides 142 reports on every aspect of the Microsoft Exchange Server environment.
Provides you the option to schedule the scanning and reporting process.
Frequently viewed reports can be added to favorite section for easy access.
Option to Export the reports to CSV, PDF, XLXS and HTML formats.
Reports can be viewed for selected date or period.
Option to predefine the recipients of the Reports by specifying the email addresses.
Determine the level of reporting using filters.
"Customize Columns" option allows you to include or exclude report columns.
Graphs and Charts that highlight the important aspects for a majority of reports.
Facilitates Printing of reports.
Exchange Reports are grouped under the following categories:
Mailbox Reports - Reports to track mailboxes on Exchange server. Includes reports for list of mailboxes, current mailbox size, mailbox growth, mailbox size restrictions, status, mail content by keywords, etc
OWA & ActiveSync Reports - Keep track of activities on Outlook Web Access by filtering data by Users, Browser and even by Client IP address and ActiveSync traffic in your organization.
Email Traffic Reports - Exchange Traffic analysis by tracking the traffic to each mailbox with respect to the sender as well as recipient, and also by the count of messages and size.
Storage reports - Reports related to the size, size growth and size restrictions of mailbox stores and public stores.
Distribution Lists Reports - Keep track of every user's activity on a Distribution List.
Public Folders Reports - Reports to track Public folders on Exchange server.
Organization Reports - Reports on Organization level.
Helps to keep an eye on any change that occurs in your Exchange Server environment
Ensures a healthy and glitch-free Exchange Environment.
Alerts can be configured to receive notifications about changes.